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What is Expected at a Baby Shower?

29 April 2023

A Guide to Traditional and Modern Baby Shower Etiquette

What is a Baby Shower?

A baby shower is a special celebration to honor an expectant mother and welcome her new baby into the world. The baby shower is typically organized and hosted by a close friend or family member, and is attended by other friends and family members who wish to celebrate the upcoming arrival of the new bundle of joy.

Traditional Baby Shower Etiquette

When it comes to traditional baby shower etiquette, there are a few guidelines that are generally followed. These include:

Who Hosts the Baby Shower?

Traditionally, baby showers were hosted by a close friend or family member of the expectant mother. However, it is now common for multiple people to share hosting duties or for the mother-to-be to host her own baby shower.

When Should the Baby Shower Be Held?

Baby showers are typically held during the final trimester of the pregnancy, but can be held at any time before the baby is born. It’s important to choose a date and time that is convenient for the expectant mother and her guests.

Who Should Be Invited to the Baby Shower?

The guest list for a baby shower should include close friends and family members of the expectant mother. It’s also common to invite the father-to-be and his close friends and family members, especially for co-ed baby showers.

What Gifts are Expected at a Baby Shower?

Baby shower gifts are typically items that will be useful to the expectant mother and her new baby, such as diapers, clothes, blankets, and baby gear. It’s important to consult the mother-to-be’s registry or wish list to ensure that you are giving a gift that is both wanted and needed.

Modern Baby Shower Etiquette

As times change, so do baby shower traditions. Here are some modern baby shower etiquette guidelines to keep in mind:

Co-Ed Baby Showers

Co-ed baby showers, where both men and women are invited to celebrate the upcoming arrival of the new baby, are becoming increasingly popular. These showers may have a more relaxed and casual vibe, with activities and games that are suitable for everyone.

Virtual Baby Showers

In the age of COVID-19 and social distancing, virtual baby showers have become a popular option for many expectant parents. These online events allow friends and family from all over the world to come together and celebrate the upcoming arrival of the little one.

Virtual baby showers are typically hosted through video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Skype. Guests can log in from the comfort of their own homes and participate in games, gift opening, and other activities. Some parents-to-be even set up a gift registry online, so guests can easily purchase and send presents.

Of course, there are still some traditionalists who prefer in-person baby showers. In these cases, the host will typically send out invitations to guests a few weeks before the event. The invitations should include all the relevant details, such as the date, time, and location of the shower, as well as any instructions on what to bring (e.g. a gift or a dish to share).

Once the guests arrive, they can expect to play games, eat food, and watch as the parents-to-be open their presents. It’s also common for the host to provide party favors for guests to take home as a thank-you for attending.

No matter whether you opt for an in-person or virtual baby shower, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Timing: Baby showers are typically held in the third trimester of pregnancy, around the 7th or 8th month. This gives the parents-to-be enough time to prepare for the arrival of their little one.
  • Guest list: The guest list should include close friends and family members of the parents-to-be. It’s also common for coworkers or other acquaintances to be invited.
  • Theme: Many baby showers have a specific theme or color scheme. This can help tie together decorations, invitations, and other aspects of the event.
  • Gifts: Guests are expected to bring a gift for the parents-to-be and the baby. These can range from practical items like diapers and onesies to more sentimental gifts like a hand-made blanket or a personalized storybook.

In conclusion, a baby shower is a wonderful way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a little one. Whether you opt for an in-person or virtual event, make sure to plan ahead and keep your guests’ comfort and safety in mind. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the festivities!